----DULCE LINKS Alien-Human Battle of 1979 in New Mexico: Alleged Eye-Witness Report https://www.theepochtimes.com/alien-human-battle-of-1979-in-new-mexico-alleged-eye-witness-report_607504.html
WERE THE DULCE MILITARY BASE WARS REAL? https://www.gaia.com/lp/content/is-there-proof-of-aliens-inhabiting-the-dulce-secret-air-force-base/
Residents in New Mexico town claim UFOs, Bigfoot spotted in area When most people think UFOs and the unexplained in the state they turn to Roswell, but residents of Dulce, in northern New Mexico, say they’ve also seen strange things. http://www.koat.com/article/residents-in-new-mexico-town-claim-ufos-bigfoot-spotted-in-area/4496448
Lecture on UFO Mass Sighting http://www.koat.com/article/lecture-on-ufo-mass-sighting/4486119
Audio Sources: Deep Space : Season 2 : Dulce Beyond Belief with George Noory : Anthony Sanchez
----NEWS Unhinged: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFRHX6glTSM
Peterson Q&A binary thinking question: https://youtu.be/UZMIbo_DxJk?t=1h4m38s
Hidden audio FB ads: http://archive.is/Dtl5r
Supreme COurt news Unions: https://youtu.be/_wxSzoB126c
Kennedy to retire: https://youtu.be/X--C6qTWYgs https://archive.is/xtGgE
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