OBDM621 - Apocalypse Scenarios | Time Portals | Awan Plea Deal | Sex Dungeon

Paranormal Investigator Claims To Find ‘Time Warp’ Near Las Vegas https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2018/06/28/time-warp-las-vegas-paranormal-investigator/

The time anomaly of the Woolwich foot tunnel and other portals of London https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/jan/08/woolwich-foot-tunnel-portals-of-london

London police chief ‘completely comfortable’ using facial recognition with 98 percent false positive rate https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/5/17535814/uk-face-recognition-police-london-accuracy-completely-comfortable

RIGGED: Awan Plea Deal For Petty Bank Fraud Gives Immunity for Computer Crimes in Congress https://truepundit.com/rigged-awan-plea-deal-for-petty-bank-fraud-gives-immunity-for-computer-crimes-in-congress/

UCLA Professor, 47, suffers ‘sudden death during recreational mummification bondage’ in sex dungeon of 62-year-old Hollywood exec’s LA basement http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5902857/UCLA-Professor-47-suffers-sudden-death-recreational-mummication-bondage-LA-home.html

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Duration: 7611 secondsSize: 116.12 Mb