Joe, Paul and Clownbaby join the show / What the hell has Paul been up to / Comedy In Columbus / Stand Up Comedy in Columbus / Catching up on emails / The old shows / Clownbaby knows his tax codes / Alex Jones Divorce / Alex Jones clips of the week / Mike Saw Paul McCartney / Pual talks about his car being stolen / We can't find shit in...
Clownbaby and Sober Joe join the show / Oregon Shooting and Gun Control / The Russian knew about the Oregon Shooter / Porn Clips / Mike Theory on why guns are A OK / Oregon Shooting Conspiracy Audio / William Copper / Gun Control / More Porn Clips / Bernie Sanders Audio on guns / Abortion Guns / Go ahead and move to North Korea / Everyone Loves to...
Clown and Left Wing Hollywood Douche Bag Joe join the show / Oregon shooting / Russia in Syria / McCain on Syria / Assad has to go / China in the Middle East / Chinese Terror Attack / The Family Fued Middle Edition / Manson Family Fued / The Grand Chess Board / Alex Jones Clips of the week / Draw Bridge of Donation / Is Alex Jones a CIA Agent / We...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Pedofile not a monster / Donation Segment / Dungeon of Donations / What the money goes to / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / Catlin Jenner will commit Suicide / More Alex Joness Clips / The Pope is coming to town / Pope Talk / i, Pet Goat II / Symbolism with illuminati / Mike's crazy Jade Helm 15 Stealth Camouflage...
Drunk announcement / Joe and Clownbaby join the show, not swearing / James Corbett, The Corbett Report and 9-11 / Mike was shamed for being in conspiracies / JFK Conspiracy Stuff / Joe was shamed on FaceBook / Republican Debate Audio / Republican Debate Conversation / Secret Service Code Name / Watch Narco on Netflix / We can't stop crusing / Alex...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Clownbaby and Mike went on Vacation / Mechanical Bull Mike / Tuff Redman / Put In Bay / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / OBDM Support Page / Listener Emails / How the End of Western Civilization will happen / Local Vs Global / Council of Nine Rules on the End of the World / Government is not Sutpid / Turtle's Email...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / new Intro music / Virginia Shooting / virginia shooting conspiracy and arguments on Facebook / We look at the video and talk about the anomalies / What about the CameraMan? / BBC Camera Crew forced to delete footage / New Anchor crazy boyfriend / Social Justice Warriors and banning guns / Alex Jones clips of the...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Joe went to the Apple Store / Joe got his car back / Clownbaby's Skype sucks / Clownbaby calls the ISP / The Internet is not ready / Listener Email / Dino Origin Story / JJ Abrams is good / Clownbaby is back with a better connection / Christian Bale / Alex Jone Clips of the week / SJWs / Mexican MidNight...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Joe got his car stolen / No good deed / Joe needs to stop doing things / Mike was contacted by a listener about Bigfoot / Bigfoot Interview Segments / Clownbaby calls bullshit on the bigfoot guy / Not the best photos of Bigfoot / Jon Snow / Kinetic Spaces Weapons in China / Lots of conspiracy talk / Economic...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Mike can't drink like he used to / Clownbaby fell on his ass / More Robot Hitchbot talk / Movie Talk / Mad Max, Terminator, ex-machina / Alex Jones clips of the week / Native Advertisement in Podcasts / Making Money with Podcasts / Joe can't talk to people in real life / Joe Vs LGBT / Missing 411 and missing...
Bryce, Clownbaby and Joe join the show / Herny Lee Lucas gave Hitchhiking a bad name / Trump Debate / Franklin Cover Up and GWB Pardon / Demon on Camera during Obama Visit / English Pedo Ring / Woman has sexual relationship with Bigfoot / Missing 411 / Unexplained Disappearances In National Parks / Bro Job / Joe has great GayDar / Getting ready...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / TV Talk: The Strain, Mr Robot / Robot Htchhiker / HitchBot / Prince of Bargaining / HitchBot was stomped down / Lion Talk again / Trump Talk / Redditor Deals with non-liberal audio / Social Justice Warriors don't like freedom / No real men left / Voice Mail from HitchBot / The Watcher of NJ update / Biker Gang...