Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Pedofile not a monster / Donation Segment / Dungeon of Donations / What the money goes to / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / Catlin Jenner will commit Suicide / More Alex Joness Clips / The Pope is coming to town / Pope Talk / i, Pet Goat II / Symbolism with illuminati / Mike's crazy Jade Helm 15 Stealth Camouflage / Operation Gladio / European Union / StormClound Gathering YouTube Channel / Mike's Crazy Cern + Alien Abduction Theory / Boston Boat Fishermen Audio / Ahmed clock kid hoax / Socialist hypocrite Audio / Headlines / Crisis Actors / Climate Change Stats / German Migration Scam / Falling Down / Russia Saves the Day in Syria / End / Preshow
Duration: 7140 secondsSize: 54.48 Mb