OBDM445 - Chinese Explosion Conspiracy

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Joe got his car stolen / No good deed / Joe needs to stop doing things / Mike was contacted by a listener about Bigfoot / Bigfoot Interview Segments / Clownbaby calls bullshit on the bigfoot guy / Not the best photos of Bigfoot / Jon Snow / Kinetic Spaces Weapons in China / Lots of conspiracy talk / Economic Problems and China / Spy Hunters in America / Danish Chinese Boat Connection / Climate Change Audio / Abortion Footage Conspiracy / More Chinese Explosion Conspriacy Talk / Clownbaby's Skype Sucks Balls / Listern Emails / Automation Jobs / Robot Protection Laws / Headlines / Jared from Subway / Saggy pants / The Poop Eater / Tiger in Detriot / Pope Bot / End / Preshow / 

Duration: 8364 secondsSize: 63.81 Mb