Ep 369: The Paris Hilton Apology

YouTube and ready for this, they're trying to get the Opie and Anthony show cancelled! HA!!!!!!!! They also want an apology. For what? Not sure why Paris chose this moment 10 YEARS LATER to act like a victim but here we are. Watch this video and you will see we did absolutely nothing wrong. SImply, she wasted our time that day.
Here's the story from that day:Paris Hilton came in and it was obvious right from the beginning she didn't want to be there. Not sure why she would waste our time like this. We tried everything to make it entertaining. In the end we failed. It's too bad cause she has a lot to offer if she would be willing to put herself out there.

For reference here's the video of Paris Hilton on the Opie and Anthony show 10 years ago! https://www.facebook.com/100044079354049/videos/267342621430454 The video has gone crazy viral the last few days.