Mike, Joe and Cretched join the show / lots of Virus Talk / What is real and what not / Trump press tonight at 9pm EST / Running out of Toilet Paper Everywhere / Bioweapon or not / Disinfo on the virus / Phoenix Lights / Alex Jones in Jail / More banter and phone calls / End
#### DRAWL BRIDGE OF DONATIONS #### Patreon: - Stashu - Brendon T. - K-Dog - Alex H. - Big F. - Jack - Doug E. PayPal: - Phillip A. - Dick S. - Michael V. - Miss Burping: 7.77 - Matt Poole: 7.77 - Kory Bennett
#### NEWS #### #Paranormal Phoenix Lights panel to mark 23rd anniversary https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/335283/phoenix-lights-panel-to-mark-23rd-anniversary
19 years later and The Phoenix Lights mystery goes on : VIDEO https://youtu.be/EOkXUvS3iX0
the stealth blimp http://www.thestealthblimp.com/
Military Craft Theory Debunked : VIDEO https://youtu.be/_KyBShhS2ek
THE PHOENIX LIGHTS - DEBUNKING THE DEBUNKERS https://www.thephoenixlights.net/Myths.htm
#Conspiracy Prince Andrew won’t voluntarily cooperate in Epstein inquiry, prosecutor says https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/mar/09/prince-andrew-will-not-voluntarily-cooperate-epstein-investigation-lawyer-says
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones arrested for DWI in Travis County https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/alex-jones-arrested-for-dwi-in-travis-county
Top government intel agency predicts U.S. population to decline by 100 million over next five years https://www.intellihub.com/top-government-intel-agency-predicts-u-s-population-to-decline-by-100-million-over-next-five-years/
#Virus Corona Virus Scare in Memphis : VIDEO https://youtu.be/PynXYF0x1QY
CNBC Host: Inject Everyone With Covid-19 Virus : VIDEO https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7sjx59
Hulk Hogan Beach Party https://twitter.com/HulkHogan/status/1237153280532373510/photo/1
#Strange Startup Creates World’s First 3D-Printed Meatless Beef Steak https://www.odditycentral.com/news/startup-creates-worlds-first-3d-printed-meatless-beef-steak.html
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