OBDM674 - Media Manipulation | Serial-Killer Gang | Semen Injection

#### NEWS #### In a rare move, Mueller’s office denies BuzzFeed report that Trump told Cohen to lie about Moscow project https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/2019/01/18/b9c40d34-1b85-11e9-8813-cb9dec761e73_story.html?utm_term=.886a48dd0e6b

Man Injects 18 ‘Doses’ of Semen Into Arm to Cure Back Pain, Ends Up in Hospital https://gizmodo.com/man-injects-18-doses-of-semen-into-arm-to-cure-back-pai-1831817131

Is a Serial-Killer Gang Murdering Young Men Across the U.S.? https://www.cryptogon.com/?p=54135

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Duration: 4105 secondsSize: 62.63 Mb