OBDM477 - Brussels Terror Attack and Racist Robots

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / millennial job hunting / last podcast comments / Rob Ford died / Brussels Terror Attack / Crisis Actors / Long History of Terror in Europe / Whats the False Flag Game / Trump Talk / Buying into Fear / Questioning our beliefs / Hypocrite Policies / Bob hates Mike / Fluoride Argument on Facebook / Forece Drugging / Self Confident Stupid People / Banning People / Stanson Calls in to talk about Entertainment / Batman vs Superman / Marvel Civil War / Super Hero Burnout / CIA influence in movies / The Daredevil / Poop Stories while Dating / Alex Jones Clips of the week / Numerology and Major Event / Sandy Hook, Boston, & The Inflationary Code / Headlies / artificial intelligence and racism / Not a good year for robots / man in a tree / catching trans people in bathroom / Tuff Redman / End / Preshow 

Duration: 8852 secondsSize: 67.54 Mb