OBDM464 - Star Wars : The Force Awakens

Joe AKA Blowhard joins the show / Go Daddy Issues / Listening Online / Joe tried to see Star Wars / Mike saw The Force Awakens / Mike had problems with the Star Wars movie experience / Joe and Mike talk about the movie / The Star Wars Prequels / Mike and Joe talk about video games / Star Wars Battlefront / Fallout 4 / Mike has issues with Fallout 4 / Rainbow 6 / Mostly Adults went to Star Wars opening night / Social Media guilt to see the movie soon / Fallout 4 addict / Bryce Calls in / at 47min in we talk about Star Wars Spoilers / We Stop about 1:05 hours / Alex Jones Clips / Bryce talks how Satanists will vote / Vote Rigging / Old Trump Clip / Trump will expose the Black Budget / Anthony Cumia Arrest / Anthony Cumia Clips, from his podcast about his arrest / Women Beat Men / Miss Universe Conspiracy / Mike is rather drunk at this point / Joe has issues with Bernie Sanders / Headlines / Pepis News / Hilary, May the Force Be With You / New Type of Weed Drug / Fake Terrorism / UFO Talk Update / End / Preshow 

Duration: 9008 secondsSize: 68.73 Mb