OBDM520 - The PizzaGate Hoax with a pinch of Bigfoot

Clownbaby and Joe join the show / Steven Seagal Clips / Earthquakes on Ring of Fire / Rodie calls in about Chernobyl and Fukushima / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / Alex Jones on PizzaGate / Mainstream Fake news and Pizza / PizzaGate Update / Ping Pong Shooter / YouTubesr being stroke down due to #PizzaGate / Listener Donations / Sheriff Audio / Missing 411 Case / Military Bigfoot Story / Headlines / Jihad Radio / Machoman at the UN / End / Preshow

Duration: 8699 secondsSize: 66.37 Mb

Read more http://ourbigdumbmouth.libsyn.com/obdm520-the-pizzagate-hoax-with-a-pinch-of-bigfoot