Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Joe has travel problems / Clownbaby medical update / Too much news / Coup in Turkey / Corbett and Sibel Edmonds comment on Turkey / Erdogan fake coup / John Kerry on the move / Missing Helicopters in Turkey / Pennsylvania-based cleric blamed for failed Turkey / Gulen Schools / 9-11 28 Pages Released / Bandar Bush / Trump, Kasich VP rumor / Telepathic Creatures / Alien ManDogs / Milo AKA Nero Kicked off of Twitter / Milo vs Ghostbusters / Why was Milo kicked off of Twitter? / Alex Jones at the RNC / Monster of the Week / ManDog part 2 / Crazy from the Heat / The Whistleblower Calls in from the RNC / Mikes conspiracy and paranormal rundown / Quantum Timeline Collapse / Feeling people stare at you / Human 6th Sense / Observering can create reality / Mystery Booms / Navy Weapon Tests / Headlines / Overwatch SJWs / NWO book sale / Fast and Furious Gun Op in Paris / End / Preshow
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