Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / NYC Terror Bombing / Mass Media Clips / Harry Baines / US is Bombing in Syria / Roaming Millennial interview / Social Justice and free speech / How does a 22 year old woman view the world / Negative Reaction to anti-sjw stuff / Joe has smelly shows / Monster of the week /...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / conspiracy website / Alex Jones Fun / Hillary Health Update / Conspiracy Theories maybe true / Bill Clinon on Charlie Rose / Colin Powell Email Hack / Who is hacking the Democrats? / Katie Couric is getting sued / Girl sues parents over Facebook images / Wolf Blitzer loves death / Monster of the...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Joe went to Jekyll Island / Donations and older episodes / Voice mail / we are lacking in paranormal stuff lately / Clinton Town Hall Audio / Julian Assange on Sean Hannity / Proven Liars / Gary Johnson Aleppo problem / Ron paul on the FED / Money Mechanics / Alex Jones Clips of the week / Alex Jones dance song /...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Jimmey Kimmel vs Alex Jones / News propaganda and the Alt-Right / Lessie Jones Hack / BLM and the Tea Party / more on the Soros leak / Listener voicemail from Salvador / Is Trump a neo-con? / Who is worse, Trump or Hillary / our listeners are insane people / Man has sex with the road / Bad Road Jokes / KFC...
joe and clownbaby join the show / Melvins people are still calling In / The Black Experience / Don't bore Mike with stuff / The Origins of the term Conspiracy Theory /Roger Stone Audio / YOU ARE A CONSPRIACY THEORIST / CIA Document 1035-960 / Hillary Health Problems / Hillary Health Conspiracy / Vince Foster / Fake Documents / Hillary on Jimmy...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Jepordy / Johnny Rotten on the media in 2012 / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / Goblin News Rant / OBDM Voice Mails / Melvin a caller is in big trouble / The Joe Show / BLM and George Soros / BLM and reparations / How long should reparations last / George Soros and German occupation / George Soros leaks and...
joe and clown join the show / no plans for the future / MIK COULD BE DRUNK / audio problems / Mike still ant read / big politicis / Mass shooter father at the clinton rally / snapchap / wikileaks / Softballs break / Monster of the week / Top Aleins tht walk the earth / headlines / End / Mike is far to drunk to write more
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Episode 500 / The Media vs Donald Trump / Unnamed Sources Say this and that / Drunk Mike Clips from the Past / Hillary Clinton wants to raise taxes on the middle class / HRC health could be a big issue / The Clintons are in bad health / Brazilian olympics are bad news / Mitchell calls in / olympians love to bang /...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / this is not really a normal show. We address listener comments, complaints and observations. This goes pretty deep into identity politics. We do talk about the vegetable man of west virginia towards the end.
Joe joines the show / Joe may move to Austin / Mike addresses some issue with the youTube Channel and Podcat / Video Podcast / Trump Press Conference Clip / DNC email hack / Russian Email Hack / Obama thinks Puntin is behind the hack / Clinton response to Trump / The Joe show / DNC Voice mail / Who leaked the DNC emails? / DNC Walk out /...
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Joe has travel problems / Clownbaby medical update / Too much news / Coup in Turkey / Corbett and Sibel Edmonds comment on Turkey / Erdogan fake coup / John Kerry on the move / Missing Helicopters in Turkey / Pennsylvania-based cleric blamed for failed Turkey / Gulen Schools / 9-11 28 Pages Released / Bandar Bush...
Blind Joe and Clownbaby join the show / This is a alcohol fueled fun fest / Joes Blind Eyes / The Goldblum soundboard is in full effect / Dallas Shooter / Clownbaby went to the doctors / Anthony Brian Logan calls In / youTube: / #BlackLivesMatter Talk / Police Violence / What are the solutios to police...