Cretched and Mike join the show / Bean Dip Protestor Follow up / Alex Jones in the grocery store / Peter Caine Bigfoot Body / UFO comes out of a portal in the UK / UFO sighting in Tenn through a telescope / Open Lines / Robots take over baseball / Specail Forces Robot / End
==PARANORMAL Man sees ‘UFO emerge from portal’ over UK
Another Crashed UFO in Antarctica – Visible on Satellite Images since 1997, now very clear...
There will be more conspiracy and paranormal segments coming up. Mike has been busy with a lot of stuff. But we'll be getting back into that stuff very soon. Thanks for sticking with us, I know shit is crazy. We'll talk about it soon.
Cretched and Mike join the show / No Agenda Shout out / Funny little sound clips / Satan tries to pick up woman on Boston Subway / Browns Baker Mayfield saw UFO in Texas / Neil Degrasse Tyson and Cowherd on Mayfield / Talk shows paying for guests / Mike is live on Saturday Night / Open Lines / Tom Cruise Deep Fake / Joe calls in about Risky Business / The Speed of Gravity / Lizard People / Don't put frozen potatoes in your butt / End
End Song by: Spanky & Salvage
Chris “Spanky” Hughes Salvage:
Mike and Cretdched join the show / Biden is back in Syria in a big way / The Pentagon Loves Syria / 16th Century Moon People Trading / Sailing around Antarctica / Creepy Hidden Room in House Robbie Williams haunted house in UK / Alex Jones in helicopter / Open Lines / Jordan Calls in / Guns found in a backyard in AZ / End
== GUEST: Micah Dank == Micah T. Dank was born in 1983 in Oceanside New York.
Mike and Cretched join the show / The Red Onion and The Brown Derby / Alex Jones clips of the week / Texas has energy issues / Snow News / Man fakes murder to get roads plowed / Snowman freaks out police / Open Lines / Simulation Theory / Bear Attack woman on toilet / Woman gets pregnant from a gust of wind / Corn Flakes drug bust / Open lines again / End
Mike and Cretched join the show / Mike's wife has a youTube Channel / Man-Eating Aliens / Tonto National Forest / Devin Williams: Missing 411 / Strange Trancers / Local News on UFO Disclosure / Open Lines / Cretched is Mike's handler / Spanky Calls in about Mike beings lazy on the land / Pigs play video games / Man uses fire to remove snow / Man can't stop burping / Robot Artist / Bears Attack in Iraq / End
Cretched and Mike join the show / Flat Earth reflections / Coming to America / China has a Time Machine, maybe / The Time Traveler List / Dyatlov Pass Mystery Solved / Man sees Bigfoot butt / Guy in the UK encounters Mantis Alien in the woods, loses job at Dog Food Factory / End
Mike and Cretched join the show / Mike hates the sun / Bill Gates wants to block out the show / Lockdowns have caused a temp increase / Joe calls in / Russians and Aliens battle underwater / Dog Man Footage / Ghost Bike / Mike and Cretched talk about 1st cars and station wagons / open lines / Shag Harbor UFO event / Man wants to send Flat Earthers to Space / Stories about stupid stuff in cars / Dr Steve Pieczenik still thinks Trump is president / Headslines / Man get fish stuck in throat / Conspiracy Pyramid / End
Rebobs: The Flying Monkeys of Napa Valley ....