OBDM789 - Missing 411 Portals Memories | CoronaVirus News and Talk

Mike, Joe and Cretched join the show / Joe has been sick / Joe does not trust doctors / Alex Jones wants you to buy everything / No YouTube notifications / Missing 411 : People with memories / People blackout and go missing / Portals and Time Traveling possibility  / Chemtrails are back / National Parks are closing down / COVID stimulus / trillions of dollars and where it's going / Joe reads down the House Bill / Bad Media Math / Chinese Drones telling you want to do / Whats going on in Alaska / Virus Graphs and Curves / End



#### MISSING 411 : Blackout & Memories ####Yellowstone stays open despite calls to close gates as coronavirus spreads https://www.kansascity.com/news/coronavirus/article241444866.htmlYosemite National Park closed to all visitors indefinitely due to coronavirus https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/yosemite-national-park-closed-to-all-visitors-indefinitely-due-to-coronavirus/ar-BB11u5IRAUDIO CLIP: https://the-journal.com/articles/14571 Name: Dale Stehling Age: 51 Location: Mesa Verde National Park is in southwest Colorado==== CASES Name: Helen Bogen Age: 2.5 Date: Aug 1950 Location: Alberta Situation: Was found 30hr after her disappearance on a near by abandoned farm, found naked and splashing around in an old bath tub. She remembers the night she went missing, she spent the night rested and listening on a hill. It was in the 40sName: Rhonda Cardinal Age: 42 Date: July 2012 Location: Calling Late Alberta Situation: Went Missing for about 2 weeks. She was found alive! She remembers blacking out, and living on berries. Removed her shoes.Name: Betty Wolfrum Age: 4 Date: May 1934 Location: Moosehorn, Manitoba Situation: Found 2 miles from her home. Found completely dry even though it was raining. A neightbors cow was also missing during that time. It cow came back milked.

#### NEWS ##### #COVID19 Coronavirus: This is what the $2 trillion stimulus bill means to you https://www.beaconjournal.com/news/20200325/coronavirus-this-is-what-2-trillion-stimulus-bill-means-to-you?fbclid=IwAR2ma1HlDRAHCBIzsg7nJkTTmMI2KTQia-FcWHIoIAstkOG0GSeAjvWc9lY

Prince Charles tests positive for COVID-19 https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-prince-charles-tests-positive-for-covid-19-11963363

UNDER COVER OF CORONAVIRUS CONGRESS INTRODUCES BILL THAT ALLOWS GOV TO CONTROL ALL INTERNET CONTENT https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/76599/under-cover-of-coronavirus-congress-introduces-bill-that-allows-gov-to-control-all-internet.html

Arms over masks: India buys weapons from Israel as coronavirus cases spike https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-india-weapons-israel-covid-19-pandemic

Instagram influencers slammed for ‘insensitive’ content during coronavirus outbreak https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/instagram-influencers-slammed-insensitive-content-coronavirus

Singapore says its app can slow spread of coronavirus; critics say it’s government surveillance https://www.heraldmailmedia.com/news/nation/singapore-says-its-app-can-slow-spread-of-coronavirus-critics/article_6958f2b4-6a06-5813-b245-49629f642c3d.html

#PARANORMAL URGENT CALL FOR 1 MILLION MEDITATORS https://mailchi.mp/dfb4970313b3/global-unity-and-peace-meditation-3-more-days-1301429?fbclid=IwAR2Ax85R-mdHd_Io6uMb9BjO5NUfi8oGapZ7I-wj423bCjnqB8Mvx9wdGG8

A reported winged humanoid reported by security personnel at O’Hare Airport. https://ufoclearinghouse.wordpress.com/2020/03/16/a-reported-winged-humanoid-reported-by-security-personnel-at-ohare-airport/

Survey Shows 50% Of Britons Believe Alien Invasion May Occur Within 50 Years https://www.strangerdimensions.com/2020/03/23/study-shows-50-of-britons-believe-alien-invasion-may-occur-within-50-years/

#MJConspiracies Michael Jackson is a TIME TRAVELLER – and this pic proves it https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/michael-jackson-alive-time-traveller-17026494

The Fans Who Refuse to Believe Michael Jackson Is Dead https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/paj8ev/michael-jackson-still-alive-conspiracy-theory


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Duration: 7519 secondsSize: 114.72 Mb