Clownbaby, Joe and Paul join the show / Reddit is Dead / Redding banning FatPeopleSuck / Subreddit banning / Social Jusistic Warriors War on Speech / Reddit up in arms / Amazon Echo chimes In / We are the enemy / Shit Reddit Says / The Agency / Paul fucked a skin girl / Poor People Sitcoms / The Racist Seinfeld / Fat Walmart Fight / Joking around means acceptance / Alex Jones clips of the week / Bilderberg 2015 / Headlines / Sex Pistols Credit Card / miley cyrus MK Ultra / Clownbaby Frat Brother is a slave trader / Chinese Armpits / Chinese Sue TV Star / Trade Deals are bad / Wolrd Trade 93 Audio / The Melvins the Kurt Cobain Doc / Paul did herion with kurt cobain / kurt cobain may have been gay / More drug stories with Paul / The Mentors / End / Preshow /