OBDM495 - Clinton Email, Mandela Effect and Monsters

Joe and Clownbaby run the show / Joe is tired and painted a house / Skype issues, again / Police Shooting in Baton Rouge and Minnesota / Blacks Vs Cops / Government out of control / Hillary Clinton Emails / Rigged System / FBI in front of Congress / The Whistleblower calls in / True Conspiracies / Poison Alcohol / The Government maybe doesnt care about you / The Dark Age Conspiracy / Phantom Time Line / Mandela Effect / Project Pegasus and Time Travel / Time Travel Movies / Independence Day 2 movie review / North Korea Slave workers in the EU / Monster of the Week / Dogman of Penn /  Headlines / Penis Saved Mans Life / Wal-Mart Fight / Facebook Wall / Fat Kim Jong-un / End / Preshow 

Duration: 7777 secondsSize: 59.33 Mb

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