We go over a bunch of different news and topics. Amazon Buys Whole Foods. NBC Alex Jones Interview. UFOs Falling to Earth.

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Comey FBI Stuff / Russia HACKS / Gamne of Cards / Megan Kelly and Alex Jones / London Building Fire / DC Shooting / Headlines /Look, mike cant type all this shit right now

This is a very silly show. Some people are upset about the new Wonder Man actress. We then take calls about favorite animals and other stupid topics.

When Will Wonder Woman Be a Fat, Femme Woman of Color?

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / The Heroes return / The Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary / Mothman Clips / Crytids in WV / Indrid Cold, Men in Black / Alien Genetic Experiments / Joe says "Right" too much / Mike still isnt watching porn / OBDM Podcast subscription / break / Master Tonic / Alex Jones clips of the week / Qatar ISIS Connection / Gas in Qatar / Deathbed confessions about Roswell / CIA Deathbed confession about UFOs / Headlines / Man hates onions / Space X Spaceplain / Streaming movies to your car / Game of Thrones talk / Drinking is bad / Buying Likes at a vending machine / Reality Winner Leaker / Aliens are Invading Audio / End / Preshow

Clownbaby and Mike hold down the show. Joe is out with violent diarrhea.

Joe joins the show / Look I know there are some audio issues, its due to Skype / Joe Jew Talk  / Kathy Griffin Trump Photo

Shit is hard to understand. Clownbaby may have had too much to drink. We try to talk about the new Missing 411 movie. People call in and we talk about Seth Rich and Clownbabys online dating.

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Wolf Daddy / Joe is back in Austin / Joe in GTA / Trump touches the orb / The Media on Trump in saudi arabia / Occultism and Trump / Palantir Intelligence Service / England Terror Attack / Numerology in Terror Attacks / Seth Rich Murder Update / Seth Rich Conspiracy / Seth Rich's Family / DNC SpokesPerson / Break...

Soundgarden, Black Eyed Kids, Ancient Civilizations, Peak Oil. Mike is really not that hung over. Lots of people call in and everything is fine. No one is panicking.

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / where is Joe? / Floating Island Cities / Crazy people in Tahiti / Alex Jones Clips of the week / Who Killed Seth Rich? / DC Cover Up / Redacted Emails / Muller is special investigator / CNN using unamed sources / Fox News Sucks / Russia vs Georgia / OBDM Voice Mail / UFOs in Vietnam / War Time Aliens / Scientist...

Mike is way hungover on this show. Clownbaby and Joe are also here. Mike tries to play some voicemails but we get side tracked by phone callers. We go into FlatEarth, Missing 411 and NASA UFO footage. It's a solid show!

Duration: 3390 secondsSize: 25.86 Mb...

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Mike is trying to reach new listeners / Oreilly Pub put up a sign / Is a bar a Safe Space? / Social Justice Warriors and Safe Spaces / Instagram gets kid in trouble at school / Facebook is chaning the timeline for emotional teens / Missing Person in yosemite / Missing 411 / Sucking King Jon Un peter / Mike yells...

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