#### NEWS #### Man found dead with puncture wounds from unknown creature - and he’s not the first https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/mystery-farm-hand-found-dead-22096811
Ron Perlman will donate $50,000 to Black Lives Matter if Ted Cruz wrestles him https://ew.com/celebrity/ron-perlman-ted-cruz/
Mysterious green glow seen shooting across Australian night sky in Port Hedland, Western Australia, was an asteroid, Scientists say https://www.9news.com.au/world/wa-asteroid-green-glow-captured-on-camera-as-2002-nn4-asteroid-passes-the-earth/0821475c-7120-4b9a-a35e-9d4d71fc9a77
THERE COULD BE MORE THAN 30 ‘ACTIVE’ ALIEN CIVILISATIONS IN OUR GALAXY, MAJOR STUDY FINDS https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/alien-civilisation-home-galaxy-intelligent-life-form-planets-a9566061.html
REPORT: WUHAN LAB TOOK DELIVERY OF WORLD’S DEADLIEST VIRUSES’ MONTHS PRIOR TO CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/77200/report-wuhan-lab-took-delivery-of-worlds-deadliest-viruses-months-prior-to-coronavirus.html
SHEEP-ON-KETAMINE STUDY REVEALS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FALL INTO A “K-HOLE” https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/ketamine-k-hole-effects-brain
Full apparition/figure caught on live Facebook video? June 9th, Strange times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njn6aectqrY
Arrow Star Stephen Amell Accuses Neighbor Of Pooping On His Roof https://www.cinemablend.com/television/2548160/arrow-star-stephen-amell-accuses-neighbor-of-pooping-on-his-roof
Man ‘tormented’ by pizza deliveries for 10 years https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/337488/man-tormented-by-pizza-deliveries-for-10-years
New show to cover iconic alien abduction case https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/337539/new-show-to-cover-iconic-alien-abduction-case
Trump rally called ‘dangerous move’ in age of coronavirus https://apnews.com/7a1e6bedf3784ecdbc8c2373fdd4e97c
Former footballer was once ‘abducted by aliens’ https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/337653/former-footballer-was-once-abducted-by-aliens
Chilling clip shows ‘creature’ in Polish forest https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/337624/chilling-clip-shows-creature-in-polish-forest
Futuristic space toilet to be installed on ISS https://www.space.com/new-toilet-coming-for-international-space-station-astronauts.html
Chinese Man Gains 100Kg During Five-Month Lockdown https://www.odditycentral.com/news/chinese-man-gains-100kg-during-five-month-lockdown.html
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Joe, Mike and Cretched join the show / Joe is making food / Joe deleted his FaceBook / Elmo and Tucker / Fun with Elmo / Military Speaks out about Trump / Antifa and Seattle / The Playbook to take down America / It Take Responsibility / John Cleese Clip / More Seattle CHAZ Talk / The Confederate Flag / AB Calls in about COVID / Jordon Calls In /...
Joe, Mike, Cretched and Charlie Robison join the show / The Union of the Unwanted / Hot Pocket Talk / Charlie wrote a book in secret / The Real Estate Crash of 2008 / Was the current crisis planned? / Organic Protest / Police Brutality / Defund the Police / The War on Drugs has to stop / The Public is being Trumatized / The State is never...
Joe, Mike and Cretched join the show / Mike interacts with a person on Twitter / Strawman Protester Arguments / Unfriending on Facebook / Darrel Davis / Silence is Violence / Drone Swarms / Mystery Drones / Drone Weapons / Project Blue Beam / Machine Learning and Data Monitoring / Large Creature in Mexico / End
#### NEWS #### Bigfoot: Fear...
Joe, Mike and Cretched join the show / What is going on with the Protests / Police Brutality / What happened to COVID / George Webb / News Clips / Ron Paul Clips / Who is putting the Bricks near the protests? / George Soros / NAACP Requests / Secret Moon Mining / Space X / Mike has to take a break / UFO Hunting / KDog calls in /...
Joe, Mike and Cretched join the show / COVID is over? / Protests and Riots in Cities / Strange things with George Floyd / Chinese Censorship / Joe has his first Hot Pocket / Hot Pocket Hoedown / Many many calls are taken / Civil Unrest and Civil War 2.0 / Dallas Protests and Violence / DC Protest and White House Lockdown / End
#### NEWS ####...
Joe, Mike and Cretched join the show / CV Over? / Union of the Unwanted / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / Monster May / Pigman / Lymes Talk / Pigman Talk / Deep State Fauci / Joe dates Bill Gates / Minneapolis Riot / Hitlers Alligator / Poland Bear Hug / Hotpock Talk / End
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance...
Joe, Mike and Cretched join the show / The Union of the Unwanted stream / Joe Rogan Spotify Deal / Joe Biden does it again / You Aint Black / I will beat Joe Biden / More Biden Clips / Texas caller is emotional / Arby Fake Story / Dan Aykroyd and the Paranormal Hotel / Drug Stories / Alex Jones Clips
#### NEWS #### Joe Biden: If you’re...
#### Ryan Burns ##### Visionary, HEROparanormal podcast host, paranormal property collector, Author of The Utah UFO Ranch, Shapeshifter Territory, and more under pen names.
Located at the famous “Southern Vantage Point” in Utah’s Skinwalker country, Space Wolf Research is dedicated to gathering physical and photographic evidence...
FYI the Audio make cut out in the Left to Right. It's not your headphones, It's the studio's power.
Joe, Cretched, Clownbaby and Mike join the show / The Lockdown is over / No Jobs / BlowUp Dolls in restaurants / Chicago Mayor and the New World Order / Trucker Mike calls in with Pizza Topics / UK Police track Farting Suspects / COVID Farts /...
Joe, Mike, Clownbaby and Cretched join the show / Clownbaby flew on a plane / No Masks in Flagstaff / Moving into a Fascist State / DOD contracts for 500 million injections / Joe goes off / Monster May / Zana the Alma / Cryptozooloy sex? / The Bigfoot Question / Vice Bigfoot story on wearing masks / Deep State Round Up: Flynn and ObamaGate / Rand...
#### NEWS #### === SPACE MINING === 4Chan Moon Mining https://boards.4channel.org/x/thread/24829109/mining-settlements
Trump White House ‘drafting legal blueprint for moon mining’ as part of new deal called Artemis Accords https://www.the-sun.com/news/789416/trump-white-house-moon-mining-artemis-accords/ ====
Amazon challenges the...